I thought it would be ideal to have an index of all that has been written about Satan / Devil / Demons / Lucifer / Fallen Angels. Instead of flooding someone's discussion with a bunch of links, one may copy & paste only the link top this post.
As and when I write more on the the related topics, I plan to update this post.
Introductory Questions
- Will delivering to Satan teach one not to blaspheme? Can you deliver the spirit of a man by delivering him to Satan? (Answer)
- Who tempted David to take census, Satan or Jehovah?
- When did Satan fall from heaven?
- How vast is the universe?
- Were the “chains of darkness” made in China?
- Was the Earth flat during the days of Jesus?
Sons of God
Job & Satan
Was Jesus really tested by Satan?
On Translations
- Greek words (mis)translated as Satan/Devil/Demons
- Hebrew words (mis)translated as Satan/Devil
- If HaSatan (HaSawtawn) is a proper name, why HaBarber, HaTreasurer, HaQueen and HaAstrologer cannot be?
Cases of Demon/Satanic possession.
- The lunatic boy or the boy with a dumb spirit (Mat 17; Mar 9)
- The woman who was bound by Satan for 18 years.
- LEGION, the man who was possessed by many devils - Part 1
- LEGION, the man who was possessed by many devils - Part 2
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